Meditation The Joyful Art of Persistence by Neville Goddard

The world is a mirror where-in everyone sees himself reflected. The objective world reflects the beliefs of the subjective mind. Some people are self-impressed best by visual images, others by mental sounds, and still others by mental actions. The form of mental activity which allows the whole power of your attention to be focused in one chosen direction is the one to cultivate, until you can bring all to plan on your objective at the same time.

— Neville Goddard, Quotes

Neville Goddard Inspirational Quotes

Automagically refreshed every 68 seconds. With inspiring images! You will receive a new Inspirational quote in 17+17+17+17 = 68 seconds (According to Abraham-Hicks, 68 seconds of pure, positive thought = 2,000,000 hours of effort!)

6 Minute Visual Meditation: Positively focus on 5 of these quotes a day (allowing 5 quotes to refresh for you automagically). Allow the images and the words to in-lighten you.


This page draws from our huge database of thousands of randomly refreshing inspirational and motivational Neville Goddard quotes. If you want to create, attract or strengthen a quality or ability in your life, then surround yourself with the thoughts, words and attitudes of accomplished people – Masters of that desired reality – and that new vibration will imprint into your consciousness – which WILL change your reality