
Rhodochrosite gemstone crystal


Rhodochrosite Angelic teacher of love and equilibrium. Unites and balances male and female both within and without. Attracts the “perfect” love to the user with the intention to learn how to love. Inspires healthy love of the self and of the Earth. Chakra: 1st, 2nd, and 4th | Astrology: Scorpio | Numerology: #2, and #6 […]

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Petrified Wood gemstone crystal

Petrified Wood

Petrified Wood Provides access to past lives when used for this purpose during meditation. Brings serenity to the user, Balance. Grounding. Vitality. Provides protection from disease. Assists in healing bones, strengthens spine, hearing. Chakra: 1st | Astrology: Leo | Numerology: #4 vibration Color Red :: Chakra 1Red is: passion, enthusiasm, strength, energy, fire, love, sex,

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Sapphire gemstone crystal


Sapphire The stone of “holy blessings” draws protection, and prophetic wisdom to the user. Attracts and oversees one’s divine destiny or “mission” in life, instilling hope, faith and joy during the journey. Sapphire can focus healing, loving energy on anyone needing it, without the user’s participation, in this way it seems to possess an innate

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Selenite gemstone crystal


Selenite “The magician’s stone” Time travel into past or future lives via meditation. Allows one to “see” inside a situation or a body with the intent to heal it. Aligns and clears the spinal column. Transmutation. God Love. Helps heal terminal illnesses. chakras. stone. vibrations. Chakra: 7th, and 8th | Astrology: Taurus and Scorpio |

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Topaz gemstone crystal


Topaz The “stone of the sun”, allows one to focus their wishes and dreams into it, while it’s many facets reflect, and powerfully beam them out to the universe for fulfillment. Intentional creation. Emanates light and warmth, and is a powerfully magnetic healing stone, absorbing tension, pain and disease. Attracts love and prosperity, as well

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Sugilite gemstone crystal


Sugilite “The stone of Higher Love”. Powerful healer and teacher of self-healing and manifestation. Reminds one to “Remember who they are”. Reveals the users innate spiritual gifts and facilitates their expression. Helps heal headaches and cancer. Chakra: 6th, 7th | Astrology: Virgo | Numerology: # 11 and #33 vibration Color Violet/Purple :: Chakra 7 Violet

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Ruby gemstone crystal


Ruby The “queen ” of all gemstones. The stone of love, surrounds the user with an aura of beauty, and can actually transform the appearance. Protects one from all negativity, and physical harm or illness. Attracts stability, and loyalty. Known as the “stone of royalty”, it was believed that as long as a piece of

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Staurolite gemstone crystal


Staurolite “The fairy cross.” Good luck stone. Courage and protection. Gives the feeling of security. Assists in the discovery of one’s “higher self” and in manifesting it on the earth plane consciously. Connects one to the astral and E.T.planes. Chakra: 7th | Astrology: Pisces | Numerology: #1, #7 and #22 vibration Color Violet :: Chakra

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Rose quartz gemstone crystal

Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz “Stone of warmth and love” Heals emotional pain with it’s gentle calming salve. Balances Yin and Yang. Opens the heart to the beauty within and without Cherubic energies are attracted to the user, protecting, and dissolving negativity. Chakra: 4th | Astrology: Taurus and Libra | Numerology: #2, and #6 vibration Color Green/Pink ::

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Unakite gemstone crystal


Unakite Transpersonal healing. Balances emotions, and encourages Higher Love. Prepares and facilitates the re-birthing process, as well as the actual birth process as it is a healing tonic for the reproductive system. Finds the underlying cause of disease. Chakra: 4th | Astrology: Scorpio | Numerology: #5, #7, and #11 vibration Color Green/Pink :: Chakra 4

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