“Stone of discernment” Clears the fog of illusion. Creates order out of chaos. Concentration, and clarity. Perfect health and order on every level. Purification and harmony. Helps to heal viral infections, tumors, DNA.
Chakra: 6th | Astrology: Pisces | Numerology: #4, and #7 vibration
Color Blue :: Chakra 6
Indigo is: intuition, deep contemplation, meditation, wisdom, dignity, self-mastery, spiritual realization, insight, inspiration, intuition, depression, solitude, inner communication. Indigo is the color of the Third Eye Chakra which is associated with the pituitary gland, eyes, nose, ears and skeletal system. The sixth chakra is located between the eyes and governs intelligence and psychic power. When this chakra is blocked we experience: blindness (inner or outer), headaches, nightmares, eyestrain, blurred vision, oversensitivity, fear, undisciplined, withdrawal, lost in fantasies, wishful thinking. Gemstones are: indigo, sapphire, azurite, flourite, and other blue gemstones.