Jerry and Esther Hicks Biography
Abraham material is Copyright © Jerry and Esther Hicks. More on Jerry and Esther Hicks:Esther Hicks – From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaEsther Hicks is an American spirit channeler, motivational speaker, and best-selling author. Esther Hicks identifies herself as the channel for a group of non-physical beings who call themselves “Abraham”. Most commonly, this channeled material is referred to under the name Abraham-Hicks. She has co-authored eight books with husband Jerry Hicks and presents workshops for Abraham-Hicks Publications. Hicks’ most recent (as of March 2007) book reached second place in the New York Times best-seller list in its first week on the list. Development of philosophy and basic teachingsEsther Hicks grew up in a religious small town environment in the Western United States. She married Jerry Hicks in 1980. Beginning in 1965, Jerry Hicks had been a devotee of the book Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, and he eventually began teaching the principles discussed in the book. He believes that the book helped him to become successful in business. After a time, however, the Hill book ceased to intrigue him.In the early 1980s, Jerry Hicks began doing additional research on metaphysical topics. He read, and became a fan of Jane Roberts’ Seth Books, which state that “you create your own reality.” Initially reluctant, Esther became interested in the topics discussed in the Seth books. During that period, by 1985, Esther and Jerry encountered another channeled entity named ‘Theo’. Esther and Jerry were told to meditate, and that more information would be given to them at a later time.[2] They began meditating, and they claim that they eventually began communicating with Abraham. Since then, through the communication with Abraham, they have developed a metaphysical belief system that they have popularized in their books and Abraham-Hicks workshops. A key teaching of Abraham-Hicks is that achieving one’s desires requires feeling hopeful and positive about those goals, rather than fearful. The teachings often refer to “vibrations”, stating that one’s thoughts affect one’s vibrations that influence reality, and that thoughts therefore have an impact on the outside world. Specifically, they state that if people maintain positive feelings and align with good vibrations, good things will happen to them. Conversely, negative life experiences are created when one focuses on negative thoughts.[3] Fundamentally, Abraham-Hicks teaches that your experiences in life are a direct reflection of your feelings and what you are focusing on. Abraham-Hicks asserts that your feelings are your guidance system, allowing you to recognize when you are heading toward something that you want, or away from what you want. Recognizing that everything in the universe is energy, Abraham-Hicks says that one must think and feel the thought in order for the thought to manifest as a particular experience or object in our reality. They use the following analogy: What happens when you say or act one way but think another is like what happens when a radio is tuned to 89.3 FM trying to receive a signal being broadcast on 1050 AM. Abraham asserts that we have so much control of our physical environment, that things like aging and physical disease are influenced and controlled by our thoughts and emotions. Outline of Abraham-Hicks’ basic idealsAbraham-Hicks outlines its teachings as follows:1. You are a Physical Extension of that which is Non-physical. |