

Stone of wishes, intuition, and balance of emotions. Brings all that is needed. New beginnings, Re-birth. Motherly love, support, encouragement. Absorbs pain and illness. Regenerates the tissues and organs. Heals reproductive system.

Chakra: 2nd, 4th | Astrology: Cancer | Numerology: #2, and #6 vibration

Color Green :: Chakra 4
**Although Moonstone is usually an iridescent white stone, it vibrates in harmony with earth, green and the heart chakra – being a ‘nurturing’ gemstone. Within the reflective iridescence of moonstone, there is a rainbow of possible undertones. Green is: nature, spring, fertility, youth, environment, wealth, money (US), good luck, vigor, generosity, go, grass, inexperience, envy, jealousy, money, illness, greed. Green is the color of the Heart Chakra which is associated with the heart, thymus gland, lower lung and circulatory system. The fourth chakra is located at the heart governing higher consciousness and love. When this chakra is blocked we experience: emotional instability, relationship problems, sorrow, loss, apathetic, fearing rejection, placid, lethargic, lazy, slow, taken advantage of, moody, depressed. Gemstones are: emerald, green tourmaline, malachite, jade, chrysoprase, dipotase, peridot, aventurine, moss agate, green jasper, rose quartz, rhodonite and other green and some pink gemstones.