Black Obsidian

Black Obsidian

“The Protector.” Surrounds the user with a shield of energy that blocks negativity. Infinite benevolence and healing energy is gifted to the user. Favored by psychics for it’s access to many dimensions. “Soul retrieval”.

Chakra: 1st | Astrology: Sagittarius | Numerology: #9 vibration

Color Black :: Chakra 1
Black, like red is: strength, energy, leadership, masculinity, power, danger, war, anger, revolution and radicalism. Red is the color of the Root Chakra which is associated with adrenals, kidneys, muscles and arterial blood. Black is often used to shield or protect one from the energies of red. While red is hot, black is cool – the antithesis and balancing factor to red. Black is seen as a color of seriousness and authority. In the fashion world, black is considered stylish, sexy, and powerful. The Cathars viewed black as a color of perfection. In the Maasai tribes of Kenya and Tanzania, the color black is associated with rain clouds, becoming a symbol of life and prosperity. To say one’s accounts are “in the black” is used to mean that one is free of debt. In Japanese culture, black is a symbol of nobility, age and experience. The first chakra is located at the base of the spine and groin area. It governs instinct and survival. It also governs taste, smell and body’s heat. When this chakra is blocked we experience: low vitality, depression, anxiety, fear, anger, frustration, lethargy, caution, low self confidence, unloved, ungrounded, suicidal, weak-willed, sexually inadequate, frustrated, alienated, separate, possessive, needing approval, craving excitement. Gemstones are: ruby, garnet, red jasper, bloodstone, rose quartz, coral and black gemstones.